
A Time To Play!

Today is a beautiful and glorious day to get outside and play! I'm not talking about the kids - I'm talking about you and me, sisters! I'm jazzed, big time, about this gorgeous spring weather and the opportunities to enjoy it all weekend!

My thoughts, today, are very simple...TAKE time, MAKE time to P-L-A-Y with the special people in your life, this weekend! The laundry will wait, the dirty floors will stay right where they are, the dust will stick around another couple of days....but the opportunity to play could slip by, so carpe diem!

Our good God designed us with the ability to smile, to laugh, to run, to jump and to feel with all 5 senses! On top of all that, he gave us so many beautiful things to experience if we have "eyes to see!" STOP with your to-do list! Yes, this is the same person who told you a couple of days ago that a disciplined life is a happy life! BALANCE is the key here, girlfriends!

Ecc 3:1 "For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven."

LIVE! Explore, listen, observe, discover and enjoy all the the wondrous things around you. Don't carry that big burden, today. Lay it at the feet of our all seeing, all knowing, all loving God and put your hand in his to enjoy some play time in the sunshine.

I'm praying for you!

See you back here, soon....I've got some playing to do!:-D

Still Climbing,

1 comment:

  1. Sniffle, sniffle! Thanks for the little tribute! I love you very much and enjoyed this blog! I'm glad I was a lil inspiration today!
