How's the day, girlfriends? Have you got your coffee in hand and a few minutes to sit with me as we look into our hearts and God's Word this morning? I'm excited to share what I've been given!
In the fourth chapter of John, Jesus made an offer to a Samaritan woman she couldn't refuse. As she came to the well to draw water, he used the very setting, where she was, to speak to her need. He first got her attention by asking her to draw water for him. It was unheard of that a Jew would ask a despised Samaritan for anything! Once he made her comfortable in talking with him, he made the offer.
He told her that unlike her trek to visit the well, repeatedly, for water, he could offer her living water that, if she would drink of it, she would never thirst again. That's quite an advertisement! Move over, Michael Jordon - even your Vitamin water can't hang with that!;-)
Finally, after some further discussion, where he revealed that even though he knew her darkest sins, his offer remained in place! What a joyful day it is when we bring all our sin to the cross and we are washed clean and made new! There is nothing too sinful or dark that he cannot forgive. Jesus then introduced himself as the Messiah she was waiting for, who would "explain everything." What she needed was fresh water, living water and he was that water. While we don't know her ultimate decision, we do know she ran back to town and told the people to come see this man who told her everything she ever did, which is significant.
There are some great lessons, for us, in this passage! How do we approach the people, in our sphere of influence, with this living water? First, we have to be sure we have it to offer...that our own cup is full. Have you been to the place where you have traded your empty cup (heart) for Jesus' living water (salvation, accompanied by the Holy Spirit)?
Are the truths about Jesus, who he was and what he accomplished on the cross, merely facts you accept as true? Jesus isn't looking for a mental ascent. There is a passage that speaks to the possibility of having a factual belief that is not accompanied by salvation. "You believe that there is one God? Good! Even the devils believe and tremble." (James 2:19) He wants to make an exchange - our life for his! As we experience this living water, it changes us. We become thirsty for spiritual things and to know him more. We become more aware of our sin and have the desire to turn from it. Oh, the flesh is still alive and well, but, whereas before, we just gave in to it, we are now in the battle! Yes, there are times, in our weakness, where we fail to walk in the Spirit and give in to the flesh. This is where we look to the cross and receive God's grace, once again. That is the good news of the gospel! He is there to lift us back up and dust us off as we continue our journey. We are now armed with that living water that springs up inside us and produces the fruit of the Spirit. The Bible tells us that before this exchange takes place, we are "dead in our trespasses and sins but that he has made us alive." Just as water is the source of life for our bodies, the water Jesus provides, which is the Holy Spirit, who lives within every believers heart, is the source of our spiritual health and growth, if we are tuned in!
There are some other passages that relate to having a spiritual thirst and how to find the living water we need to thrive and survive! Let's just look at one. "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled." (Matthew 5:6) As we desire to follow Christ with that thirst for more of him and less of us, he promises us he will meet that desire.
As we tap into that living water, we will want to share it with others. After being told they had to stop speaking about Jesus in Acts 4:19, Peter and John replied they could not help but speak of the things they had seen and heard! Taking a few thoughts from the passage in John 4, lets remember we need to meet people where they are and accept them, without judgement. We have opportunities within our daily settings to make a difference as we make it comfortable for others to talk to us by not coming across as pious or preachy. God will use us, as he made us, to share our faith. In fact, as we live connected to our water supply, this passage implies that people will ask us what we have. "Always be ready to give an answer for the hope that lies within you with gentleness and respect." (I Peter 3:15) As we allow the hope that is within us to shine, God will grant the opportunities to share.
Sometimes, I find that I'm not thirsty for water and it's hard for me to drink it. Can you relate? For me, it's usually because I haven't been drinking it and I've been having a steady diet of coke or some other substitute. The only way to push through these times is to cut the sugary drinks out and begin drinking the water again, by an act of my will. The more I drink of it and the less I consume of the others, the easier it gets. I start to like having water as my thirst-quencher. That's how it is with prayer, reading the Bible and meditating on spiritual things. We must develop that thirst by disciplining ourselves to drink of that living water instead of substituting it with fill in the blank - entertainment, busyness, even religious activities. None of these are bad but we just need to be sure we carve out time to drink from the well that never runs dry! As we begin to see the fruit in our lives, the discipline will all be worth it. "For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it." (Hebrews 12:11)
Have a great day!
Still Climbing,
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