GIRLFRIENDS! I have a question?! Why, oh why, do we make everything about FOOD in our culture?! Lean in, girls, for an important newsflash! If we want to live a fit and fabulous life (especially for those over 40 - nobody I know...but just FYI! :-) we have to learn to think differently - to get our minds right!
Pay attention to your own or most anyone else's conversation for a short time and see how much time is given to FOOD as the subject of discussion! Oh! The time spent on, around, about and eating FOOD, FOOD and more FOOD! :-0 Don't get me wrong - I LOVE food, just like the next girl, but it gets too much face time if you ask me and I'm glad you did! ;-)
Let me be clear. Unless you are a chef, your life should not revolve around food! Make your life about living passionately, within your purpose, as it relates to the unique way God has wired you and, in that place, be busy building and maintaining meaningful relationships! THAT is life!
Food is a great tool to fuel our bodies in the best possible way so as to condition us to be our personal best! Instead of having an unhealthy focus or even obsession with food and spending most of our waking hours thinking about and planning and preparing our next exchange with it, let's change our thinking about the purpose it has in our lives!
It's great to get excited about a special event such as a birthday party, bridal shower, an upcoming holiday cook-out,etc. but let's reel in the intense focus on what we will EAT and get excited about what we will D
I have food to eat that you don't know about. My food is to do the will of him that sent me. Jesus
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