
Who You Are When No One's Looking

In re-reading a favorite book. Bill Hybel's Who You are When No One's Looking, I'm reminded of the value of developing the character traits of courage, discipline, vision endurance, tender love and more...these character qualities are presented in sharp contrast to focusing on building a reputation. As the great former coach, John Wooden put it,"Reputation is what people think you are. Character is what you really are." I'm so impressed by this little read that I've bought it for many others, including my young adult sons. Our world is sorely lacking in character and it's rebuilding begins with one and one and one more until a new generation catches the vision.

I've been allowing that thought to permeate my inmost being in recent weeks and I keep asking God, along with the Psalmist, to "Search me O God and know my heart. Test me and know my anxious thoughts and see if there be any wicked way in me and lead me into life everlasting." I also think of the verse that says, "The heart of man is desperately wicked. Who can know it?" Do I know my heart tends to wickedness? And is wickedness only the worst kinds of thoughts such as sexual immorality, murder and hatred? Or... is it that my heart tends to stray from God left to its own devices without the Holy Spirit to "lead me in the way everlasting." It seems to me that the most wicked thing about my heart is that it so easily forgets God and my utter dependence on him for even my very breath. I turn quickly to the "weak and beggarly elements of this world" to satisfy what they never can and lean on my own faulty and limited understanding in my decision making and focus on building a "good reputation." The question I'm asking myself is "What does God think of me?" He knows my every thought and movitve. He knows what I do and who I am when no one else is looking. He sees right through the lies and longs to fill me with his very own Spirit and lead me into all truth where I can be free and at peace! Why do I resist it?

I'm reminded of the choice to exercise and eat a clean diet. If I prefer to be lazy and eat heavy, fattening, processed foods over expending a little energy for an hour or less per day exercising and eating natural foods that are good for my body, skin and overall health, why? What do I gain in the end? Disease, sickness, fatigue, a lesser quality of life? It's the same spiritually. If I choose to skip my time with God each day and to do whatever I feel like doing instead of practicing the godly character traits mentioned above, what do I gain? Foolish woman that I am so often! I think I'm in control, the master of my fate...well, I may be, in part, but at what price? As my husband often says, "How's that working for you?" :)

My dear girlfriends, I write this as one who is weak alongside you and asking for your prayers. Let's get on our knees and ask our good Father, "What is it you would have me do? I know you do all things well! Make me that woman of character, fill me with your Spirit and help me keep in step with your Spirit today and every day! I ask it in faith in the name of Jesus my Savior and Lord. Amen.

Still Climbing,

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