I found out some very sad news, late last week. A former boss of mine, and his wife, both attorneys for the law firm where I previously worked, were vacationing together, in Italy, when his wife became very ill. She was taken to the hospital where, several hours later, the doctors appeared in the waiting room, to tell her husband she had an aneurism and there was nothing they could do...they had lost her. She was 51 years young, beautiful, smart, full of life and a devoted wife and mother. I can't even imagine the shock, pain and lonliness her husband must have felt. One of my closest friends has worked for them for 10 years and was devastated, of course. My heart cried out to God, along with everyone else's, for comfort and meaning in such a seemingly cruel act of fate.
Right on the heels of this news, I received a call from another close friend of mine, who lives in the same town, telling me of her proposal from her boyfriend! :-)It was contagious to share in her joy and excitement, as he had made it very special, including a scavenger hunt and had done a great deal of preparation!
I was reminded of the "big" events of life and how they often play out. There is the excitement of a new life coming into the world and the sadness of parting with our loved ones in death. There is the joy and happiness of a wedding, as a couple begin their lives together, with bright hope and plans for their future, while nearby, there is the devastation of a family ripped apart by divorce and the pain and suffering that goes with their dreams of forever.
I recall when my dad suddenly passed away, almost 8 years ago, and how I was shocked at how the world could go on, laughing and playing, as though my world had not just been demolished! It seemed cruel and unfair, at the time, for others to be happy and enjoying themselves. Of course, this was the viewpoint of a grieving daughter. I know many of you have experienced what I'm talking about in some scenario in your life.
The Bible tells us to be happy with those who are happy and to cry with those who cry. In this we can see that our Father knows the hurts and the happiness that are all a part of our journey from life to death and into eternity. The happy occasions we so enjoy, new babies, weddings, holidays, graduations and so on are a glimpse of heaven where all will be good and right. The terrible ache for the parent who has lost a child or the widow who has been left alone to grieve her longtime companion, the ongoing pain of divorce and brokenness of a family, the loss of a job, the terminal illness,...In it all, God calls us to be involved, as Christians who are here to express his love and goodness, to be the light of God's love into the hearts of their fellow man.
Who do you know, today, who is rejoicing in a happy place? Be happy with them. Let them know it. Sometimes, when a friend, co-worker or, even a family member, is blessed financially, relationally, or in some other way while we are in a hurting place, we find it hard to be happy with them, don't we? And yet, we miss out on SO much when we fail to share in the happiness of others!
Do you know someone who is hurting? Someone battling with a difficult or dissolving marriage, a handicapped child, the one who faces chemotherapy, not knowing if they will survive, the loss of a job or financial ruin...we could go on. Cry with them. Pray for them. Sometimes that is all we can do. Allow your heart to love, to care, to reach out beyond your own circumstances whether they are good or bad and find the truth in Jesus' words, "It is more blessed to give than to receive." Acts 20:35
Still Climbing,
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