
A Time To Play!

Today is a beautiful and glorious day to get outside and play! I'm not talking about the kids - I'm talking about you and me, sisters! I'm jazzed, big time, about this gorgeous spring weather and the opportunities to enjoy it all weekend!

My thoughts, today, are very simple...TAKE time, MAKE time to P-L-A-Y with the special people in your life, this weekend! The laundry will wait, the dirty floors will stay right where they are, the dust will stick around another couple of days....but the opportunity to play could slip by, so carpe diem!

Our good God designed us with the ability to smile, to laugh, to run, to jump and to feel with all 5 senses! On top of all that, he gave us so many beautiful things to experience if we have "eyes to see!" STOP with your to-do list! Yes, this is the same person who told you a couple of days ago that a disciplined life is a happy life! BALANCE is the key here, girlfriends!

Ecc 3:1 "For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven."

LIVE! Explore, listen, observe, discover and enjoy all the the wondrous things around you. Don't carry that big burden, today. Lay it at the feet of our all seeing, all knowing, all loving God and put your hand in his to enjoy some play time in the sunshine.

I'm praying for you!

See you back here, soon....I've got some playing to do!:-D

Still Climbing,


A Disciplined Life = A Happy Life

Do you doubt? Come with me and let's explore the thought together, girlfriends!

Do you believe a child is happier and more secure when he has a routine and, in that routine, he knows there are specific and consistent expectations for the things that are in his realm of responsibility? Do you know a child who has no clear boundaries, no set bedtime, chores, homework requirements, limits on junk food? Need I say more?

We, as adults, are no different! When we live a disciplined lifestyle, we are at our best!

Once again, I will refer to the 4 areas of growth.

Being disciplined, spiritually, means we make time to allow God's spot light to shine into our hearts, revealing what's inside and taking out the trash, day by day! You don't let the trash in your kitchen pile up for weeks (I hope not!) and then try and haul 15-20 bags out at once, do you? The whole house would smell like a sewer by then! :-0 Neither should we neglect our time with God and allowing him to do a clean up in our hearts. If we start our day with him and run to him throughout the day as we face various situations, he will walk with us and keep us in optimum "running condition," spiritually. Take some time for him, today. Make it a disciplined habit to read,to pray, to worship and to commit your day to him. It will pay off in so many ways throughout your day!

Intellectually, are you disciplined in your thought life? What kind of "diet" are you on? T.V., music, books, conversations, thought patterns? All of these things make up the intellectual diet we are feeding our brains. Are you feeding on positive nutrition in these areas? Do your conversations build up others and make you feel strong, mentally, or are you feeding on negativity, gossip and dark thoughts?

Physically, are you eating right and getting enough exercise and sleep? All of these areas affect your...

Emotional health (which) culminates in a disciplined = happy or undiciplined = unhappy life.

It all begins with a dedicated decision, bathed in prayer, to be your personal best. Discipline takes determination. You must make that decision and then put some "clothes" on it or define it by things you will do, on a daily basis, and make yourself accountable to someone for optimal success. Bring your goals into the light to put some weight behind them. You'll be so glad you did!

If you make the decision to be your personal best, set your daily goals for optimal success with smaller goals for living a disciplined, happy, healthy life. When you prepare and those little voices start coming, and they will, telling you that you don't "feel" like having a quiet time or reading something encouraging and helpful for your personal growth instead of a romance novel, or that you want to hear just a l-i-t-t-l-e bit of gossip instead of refusing to be involved in any negative discussions about others or that you don't really need to exercise TODAY, you will have no excuse because you've ALREADY made those decisions back at the beginning! No need to revisit them every day! :-D

Heb. 12:11 "For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it."

A disciplined life = a happy life.

Still Climbing,