
A Conscience Void of Offense


Warm hearted greetings! I have been ill this week and am trying to get back on my feet...have missed our coffee room chats! Pull up a chair and read with me a most inspiring and challenging thought from the book of Acts.

When defending himself to the Governor before his accusers, Paul made quite a statement. In Acts 24, he begins by saying he is very happy to speak for himself and, in verse 16, he says, "And herein do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offence toward God, and toward men." Wow!

I read that and had to ask myself, do I practice this..."to always have my conscience void of offense...?" No, I'm afraid I do not. There are times that I am shamefully aware that I have either caused or am carrying some offense around, in my conscience, toward God or man. I know I've said something that needs to be repented of or I have done something that hurt someone, even if at times it is only God who is having to bear my offense. The remedy for this is summed up in one simple word and one from which we shy away; humility. If I can only humble myself, at the beginning and end of each day, and ask God to shine the searchlight of his all knowing and all loving eye into my heart, he will be faithful to reveal to me any offense that resides in my heart...or in the heart of someone else, as it relates to my choices. Ideally, we will begin to ask God as we walk through our day, particularly when facing a difficult situation, to keep us from offense. Sometimes it isn't that I have initiated conflict or caused the initial rift but could it be in my reaction? The Bible says that, as a Christian, I am an ambassador for Christ, and, therefore, a representative who has a higher calling than an eye for an eye mentality...

Let's pray for an open and humble heart that desires to always be without offense, either on our part or in causing it in someone else's heart. Most often, offense comes by our tongue, as we are told in the book of James, but we know it isn't really about taming our tongue, but rather asking God to change our hearts. If God shows us an offense, let's pray for grace to humble ourselves, quickly, and remove it from our conscience. Peace is the sweet reward! doesn't depend on the response of the other party (unless it's God :-)and he is ready and willing to forgive! We can do what we know is right and leave the results with him. The Bible instructs as, "As much as it lies within YOU, live at peace with all men."

Have a wonderful weekend and if you are facing overwhelming circumstances in your life, right now, ask the Lord to keep you extra close to him and to give you grace that you can keep a conscience void of offense. I know I need more awareness and humility in my heart!

Still Climbing,

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