
The Value of One Life

Girlfriends! :-D

Im thinking of the word, "value," which is closely associated with "worth." It denotes the regard or esteem placed on something and there is often a cost, a price involved in how we determine that value.

Today, I'm thinking of value as it relates to people and the opportunity to place value, a level of importance, a worth on the people we encounter each day. We have many opportunities, in a day, to place value on the people we meet. For me, it all relates to how I begin my day in those first moments of consciousness. It is my habit (although I'm ashamed to report that I have fallen out of it a number of times in my life) to whisper a good morning to God and to declare my love to him, thank him for allowing me breath and life for another day, ask for his guidance and that he would give me eyes to "see" and ears to "hear" what he wants me to be about, today. That is my first contact of the day and the most important one for me to place a high value upon!

From there, I have a myriad of encounters, some very brief (i.e. the guy behind the counter at the Valero station at my morning coffee stop, the other drivers on the road as I make my downtown commute (oh, yes, I'm afraid they DO count!! :0), the faces I pass as I make my way to the elevator, the girls who clean the glass doors and restrooms in our building, my co-workers...the day goes on and so do the encounters.

What value do I place on these chance meetings? Am I aware that they are even taking place or is my head buried in my cell phone texting, talking, listening to my ipod, etc? Do I take time to smile and acknowledge them by making eye contact? What about that coffee guy? Do I look for a name badge on his shirt or even ask him his name so that I can use it, placing value on him as more than just a figure behind the counter? Do I give a compliment when prompted in my thoughts? Do I look up from my computer and take a few minutes to listen to a co-workers heart?

What about the ones that live in my own home?? Are their words acknowledged so that they can see I place value on them? Do I practice actively listening? Do I still "see" them or are they permanent fixtures that I just expect to be there?

Ladies, our God is all about people. Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost and he is still all about that, today. Sure, we have responsibilities, we have jobs to do, we have many things to see to...but if we miss the main thing, which is placing value on the people that cross our paths each day, in little ways and big, some for a season and some forever, we will have missed everything! Think I'm overstating my case? Let's look at Jesus' words.

Jesus said, Matt. 22:37“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the great and first commandment. 39 And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 40On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”

Today, let's ask God to give us eyes to "see" what matters and take time to acknowledge those whom he places in our path. We all get busy and fall short in this area. It may be a smile, a touch, a kind word, the sound of their name on our lips, giving it significance, an extra cup of coffee brought back from Starbucks, an invitation to a neighbor, the gift of listening...placing a high value on the most valuable of all -a human life for whom Jesus gave his life, will add value to our own lives. See what a difference your life - one life, can make. You could be a game-changer in the life of another person, with just a smile or a few words. Think of that!

Thanks for stopping by, today.

I would love to hear your comments or for you to drop me an email. It blesses my heart to know how God is working in your life and what challenges you are facing so I can know how to pray for you.

Still Climbing,

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