
Right Now

Past. Present Future.
Time. Circumstances. Decisions.

What we have, girlfriends, is our right now! The choices we make speak words that build up and offer hope, an approachable expression on our faces, the positive can-do attitude we choose to display, the prayer on our lips, the kindness and forgiveness we offer toward others, the healthy food choices we make, the decision to exercise and be our personal best. We cannot undo our yesterdays, only take steps that attempt to right any wrongs of which we are aware. leaving the results to God...and the choice to begin afresh.

The present - our moments, today, is within our reach. May God grant us eyes to see and ears to hear that what our moments consist of, grandiose, or seemingly insignificant happenings, and the reactions or responses we choose are what make up our lives and, ultimately, determine our destiny and the legacy we leave for others.

Let's build on a good foundation, today, by breathing a prayer for the people we love and the things we face, giving thanks for our blessings and then let's walk in love toward our family, friends, colleagues and those chance encounters that come our way.

Make it a fit day!

Still Climbing,

It seems that, for me, and likely for you, every day has it's challenges, laughter, tears, hopes and dreams, disappointments, successes and failures. In it all, God's grace is in view and available for me to experience if I listen for his still, small voice of comfort and direction. Being self absorbed tends to block the spiritual senses so let's pray together for a God-awareness throughout the day!

Still Climbing,

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