
A bad day....marked by grace

Girlfriends, today I don't want to offer any motivational quips, quick fit tips or eating clean verbiage. I want to share a day I experienced a couple of weeks ago. I would call it a "bad" day. I'll let you judge for yourselves. One of my sons, who works hard to make ends meet, while in college, lives on his own and works part time, texted me, at work, to call him and stated it was "an emergency." When I returned his call a few minutes later, the story that he relayed went like this. "Mom, I parked in a handcicap space for maybe 20 minutes to go in and see a friend at his apartments and when I came out, my car was gone...towed. I went to pick up the car and discovered my license was expired (had expired on his birthday the same month)so I couldn't pick up my car. I went to the DMV to get my license renewed and....(you guessed it)...they informed me I owed money to the state of Arkansas!" I believe my initial response was a big sigh (not into the receiver) and a prayer for grace. A day and 1/2 later of vacation time(mine)and 2 additional trips to the DMV, multiple phone calls, being on hold for loooooonnnng periods of time, followed by fees paid to the state of Arkansas (for a speeding ticket he had received 7 years prior and had not paid)about $900 all in all (his dad assisted, too), including the storage fee on the car in the tow lot, and we were back in business. My son said, "All this for 20 minutes in a handicap space...never again!" I looked my son in his pretty green eyes and explained that I had been the recipient of much grace and now he was receiving a little of that same grace. You see, my son is not a believer, just yet, and he needs to understand and experience grace and forgiveness, that unearned favor we all long for and have a hard time grasping. He knew what he'd done wrong and didn't need me to remind him just then. Was I frustrated? Ummm, have you spent much time in the DMV? Was I irritated? Somewhat. Did I want to spend my hard earned money or vacation time this way? Guess, again. Sweet friends, I'm not glamorizing or purporting enabling our kids to make bad decisions without consequences. I am simply stating there are times when we need to realize, "Freely you have received. Freely give." Matthew 10:8 Keep Climbing: Is there someone who needs grace in your circle, today? Is God calling you to an opportunity to offer grace, freely, without a lecture or a harsh word about "what I having to do....for you!" Ask the Lord to reveal these times to you. Sometimes an opportunity to show grace can be hidden in a "bad day." Still Climbing, Cher

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