
TIME...Not Enough?

Sweet Girlfriends!! Pull up a chair and let's chat for a few minutes about a subject we all struggle with...TIME. Not just time but the desperate feeling many share in feeling they just don't have enough of it to fit "EVERYTHING" in. I've been asked to address this subject here and I am glad to share a few thoughts. I think most would agree that time, and how we utilize it, is our most precious commodity. It is relentless in its determination to move steadily forward whether we use it wisely or squander it away. As the old saying goes, "We all have the same 24 hours in a day" and it's up to each of us to decide what we do with that time. Let me begin by saying that my thoughts begin with a personal belief that the most valuable use of our time is found in building relationships. We should begin with God, our Creator. God made us for himself and so it makes the most sense to begin the day by spending a little time engaging in this most important relationship and seeking to lean into God's agenda for us as the day unfolds. I am not talking about hours of morning worship. Most of us don't have that luxury as the day rushes upon us but I do recommend that you get up at least 10 minutes earlier than you need to in order to have a brief reading of the Scriptures and a little time in prayer. Are there days when I don't get this in? Yes, of course, but I try to make that the exception rather than the rule. I like to spend this time mostly in worship, just acknowledging who God is, thanking him for the opportunity to make a difference today and letting him know I want to be close to him throughout my day. I can also insert here that if you have a commute to work or a short drive after dropping the kids off at school, you can utilize this as more relationship building time with God. Sometimes I keep my radio off and just pray. Other times, I turn on KSBJ and worship in song. NOTE: This takes discipline at first, just like forming any new habit. We all have an automatic "default" to what is comfortable. Once it becomes part of your daily routine, you will look forward to it but if you are new to the whole "communing with God" thing, give yourself some time to build an appetite for time spent with him. It will make you more aware of God's leading during your day. Since we all have some activities that require non-negotiable time, we need to find ways to streamline our schedule and activities as much as possible. Do you have a dry cleaner, doctor, pharmacy, bank, nail salon, gym, grocer, etc. near your office so that you can utilize some of these during a lunch break or immediately after work for saving time? If so, see how you can integrate as many of the "have to's" into close proximity to your office or en route to other activities. Do you need to try and budget a housekeeper, even just once a month, to take care of the heavy cleaning so that your time is freed up for relationship building or other goals you are working on? What about the "free" time you have? Don't be too quick to say you don't have any...If you have just 2-3 hours a day that are outside of your non-negotiable time at work or spent caring for an elderly parent,sitting on the stands at the kids' sporting events, how are you using this time? Are you building relationships in these situations? How about writing that blog you've been wanting to start or jotting down a to-do or working on your goals while sitting on the bleachers? Make the most of this time. Let's face it. Some of our biggest time thieves are T.V. and social media/surfing the net. I have posed this question to myself and others, "Will you wish, at the end of your life, you had spent more time on either of these activities?" I enjoy FB, Twitter and an occasional show or movie and I'm not knocking them but it's clear that there are times I spend too much time on non-essentials and then bemoan that "I can't get it all done!" I am working on starting my coaching business so I do need to post every day but I can still set aside 1-2 times per day for a brief check-in and, otherwise...out of sight out of mind. I can get so much done during the evening if I utilize "T.V. time" either by letting the guys in my house enjoy that time while I write, study, blog, do a quick clean up or at least fold a load or two of laundry while we are sitting there and put them away during the commercials. Of course there are times I have put in a long day/week and I'm tired and just want to relax and do nothing! That is perfectly fine! We are talking about the patterns that define our lives, right? As long as I choose to engage and not procrastinate important items on a regular basis, there is always GRACE for the exception! In a separate blog, I will share "...a day in the life of Cherrie" as I've been asked to do. It's not so exciting and certainly not! But if you find a tidbit that offers some hope from something I've learned to do as I juggle time with God, a long commute, demanding job, daily workouts, going back to school, volunteering at church, small group and working to launch my own business, while seeking to maintain my relationships with family and friends, I will be so happy! I am always learning from others and hope to continue for the rest of my days! Hang with me girlfriends! There is time for the things you were created to do! Still Climbing, Cher

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