
Fit Tips

Time - 24 Hours

We each have 24 hours in every day. We have to consciously decide how we will manage our time. Most of us, in today's culture are very busy...but we all know people who manage to reach their goals and realize their passions and dreams and many more who never "have enough time." What is the difference?

Make a couple of case studies of people you admire that are making the most of their time and read about them, learn from them...Don't be one with regrets late in life!

Perhaps we make it too complex and need to refocus with a renewed awareness of where we are trying to go! What is important to you? We make time for the things that matter most to us. If you are in a phase of life where you have small children, are in the middle of a career change, etc. be reasonable in your expectations. You may only be able to carve 30 minutes from your day to devote to the 4 areas of fitness but that's a start!

Remember the PEIS factor, friends!

Fail to Plan - Plan to Fail!

It takes a little planning ahead but makes a big difference in reaching your fitness goals. Take several small meals for the day with you to work.

Some items you are likely to find in my lunch bag include:

6 boiled eggs (I only eat the whites)
an apple, banana or berries
small handful of raw nuts - 1/4 cup
protein drink mix - I love Isoflex Peanut butter flavor-gives me my pb fix every day!
1 c. cooked brown rice or quinoa
small sweet potato
0% fat free fage yogurt - 100 cals 18 g protein!

Don't let yourself get too hungry or you will be tempted to binge when you do eat! Have a little something at least every 2-3 works! :-)

Need More Energy During the Day?

It may seem counter-intuitive but using energy produces more energy. If you are not exercising, chances are you feel sluggish, "heavy," or even fatigued. Sound familiar?

Our bodies were designed to move! They need the right fuel to do that and to be energized by exercise in order to build muscle and increase endurance.

If you haven't been on an exercise program, determine to start TODAY! Put away all excuses and do something good for yourself! Begin with 30 minutes of walking 3-5 days per week (this is a brisk walk, not a stroll!) and 2-3 days per week of weight training - start with just 20 minutes of targeting upper body and the next time lower body. Get a Fitness magazine and read it to get pumped! Some of my favorites are Fitness Rx, Oxygen and Hers which are packed with pictures and "how to" exercises! The main point to remember is....get moving! You'll be so glad you did!

Beauty tip for smooth, silky hair!

Stop in at Sally's Beauty Supply and grab a small bottle of one 'n only Argan Oil derived from Moroccan Argan Trees - great stuff!

Just put a small amount (don't use too much or it will make your hair oily) into your hands and rub into hair lightly - you can do this while it is wet and re-apply a small amount if needed once dry. It gives it a nice healthy shine, smooths frizzy ends!

Wisdom from the Coach
Coach John Wooden:

...Intentness - persistence, tenacity, perserverance. It is the ability to resist temptation and stay the course.

...the road to achievement is usually bumpy and long, but you do not give up. You may have setbacks, you may have to start over. You may have to change your method. You may have to go around, or over, or under. You may have to back up and get another start. But you do not quit. You stay the course. To do that you must have "intentness."


Are you overwhelmed with busyness and an unforgiving schedule that demands all you have? Remember, for PEIS to prevail, you must take time for what I term mini-vacations each day! It may be a walk around the block, taking in the sunset and chirping birds to soothe a tired mind and body. It could be a 15 minute bubble bath complete with a tall glass of lemonade (sugar free, of course!), a candle and a favorite book or magazine. It could be riding in your car with the window down and the radio up or a time spent talking to God about your needs and thanking him for his many gifts of kindness towards you!

Whatever it is, don't skip out on those moments needed to refresh your spirit, mind and body - then you can continue to be a fit and loving parent, spouse, friend, daughter, employee....with your own tank full and fit! (:

What do you value?

What is it that makes the difference in our level of fitness vs. our neighbor, friend, co-worker? Isn't it the VALUE we place on being healthy and fit? How do we determine to reach for the goal of attaining and maintaining the appropriate weight, being toned and fit, eating a clean diet and to simply take the road less travleled of living an active and healthy lifestyle?

I belive we must "see" the added value that it brings to our every day life in all areas and tire of the lethargy we feel, the lack of motivation and energy that robs us of truly enjoying all there is in life!

What are your values and how would living a healthy lifestyle benefit you in living out those values?

Love those kids, grandkids? Can you play with them without getting winded, quickly and having to bow out?

What about your job? Do you have the confidence and energy to get where you'd like to go?

Food for thought!

Make it a fit day and...
Keep climbing!

Beauty - Unchangeables

Before we can really aim for our personal best with conviction and the possibility of a positive outcome, we must accept our unchangeables. Our hair type (we can change the color and use products to make it the best it can be but we have to accept it if it's fine, fragile or curly, limp, straight or wavy...we have to accept our body type, be it short, tall, small or larger boned, if we are "hippy" or "twiggie" shaped, the color of our eyes, shape of our features and even our personality to a large degree, our IQ...and on the list goes. Today, take an honset look in your physical and internal mirror and see what those things are that you would like to change. Now, how many of those things CAN be changed and how many do you need to accept? I believe we can and should do all we can to be our personal best, beginning with our inside! We can all choose to put on a smile and a positive attitude and that is where true beauty begins! Dont' be lazy with your appearance, either! Do what you can to improve your "fit-ness" level in ALL areas. Next, get on your knees and pray, thanking God for making you his one-of-a-kind creation and accept your unchangeables. THEN you will be ready to work towards YOUR personal best!

A time of renewal

I'm not sure what your week looks like from Monday - Friday but my weekday begins at 4:30 and I am in full work-out mode by 4:45. Not so easy on an avearge of 6 hours sleep but it is a lifeline of energy for my long commute and demanding days at work! Of course once I'm home in the evening, it's time to make dinner and lunches for the next day, run any necessary errands, attend group on Monday nights, spend some time updating my blog, twitter and facebook pages, visit with familly and friends, fit in various dentist, doctor, hair, etc. appts and it's always a very full week! I am usually sleeping on the couch as soon as we sit down to watch a movie or just relax. :) Now, I'm not complaining...ok maybe I would like it if I could work out around 6:30 instead of 4:30 but I choose my work schedule so that is my option! One thing my husband and I do on Saturdays is sleep in (which usually amounts to between 6-7 AM for me) have a nice relaxing time of coffee and breakfast, maybe a bubble bath :-) and just start our morning nice and easy. It doesn't always work out this way but we try to make it a habit as much as possible. Be sure you take time to recover and revitilize your tired mind and body during the week. Don't forget to rest your spirit in prayer, too! I could do a better job in this area for sure!

What are you passionate about? Have you discovered it?

Take some time to think about your God-given talents, gifts, passions and how you want to pursue them. Don't let life just "happen" to you. HAPPEN TO LIFE with purpose! :-)

Consider this great read, Halftime by Bob Buford. It will help you get motivated and enthused about your life and where you want to go with your passions!

Aim high!

Want to work on a great pair of lean, shapely legs?

Squats, lunges and calf raises are great ways to work your legs. For the advanced exercise enthusiasts, P90X has a great legs and back workout and Insanity will shape and tone your legs, beautifully! I also use the exercises in Oxygen and Fitness RX - they chock their magazines full of great exercises with pictures and how to instructions every month!

To lean out those legs, my brother, a certified fitness instructor, had me add a 45 minute power walk 3 times per week to my work-out routine. It's working great!

Cherish your home girls!

Cherish your girlfriend connections and let them know you do! (: These beautiful women are so important to our sanity and fulfillment as women! Some are with you for the fun, others for the tears, some to speak into your life and help you be your best and a few blessed souls have a friend or two who does all three and then some!

Send a note, give a hug, share a small gift...let one of your angel sisters, sent from above, know what she means to you, today!

Confession is good for the soul

If I seem to sound as though I always make the best choices and stay on top of my game each and every day, let me assure you, I am oh-so-human and I do allow myself "cheat" days and meals on occasion, particularly on special occasions like my one year anniversary last weekend! I had 2 glasses of wine with my dinner, which was Italian, and NOT low cal!- LOL

This week I have been under the weather - ears and sinuses, so I have had to modify my workout intensity and even skipped a couple of days when I could tell my body was demanding rest.

Part of living a "fit" life is to understand and practice balance. Fanaticism is not healthy and an imbalance in any of the 4 areas will rob us of our PEIS.

To conclude, let's purpose to live a disciplined and fit life with balance. This isn't easy for me as I tend to get obsessive about everything being "just right." I have to remind myself that moderation, in all things, is the key.

What works for you...

Are you a snacker or a mealtime kind of person? All in all, how many total calories we take in each day verses how many we burn will ultimately decide whether we lose, gain or maintain our weight.

However, all calories are not created equal! Some digest easier and some are more readily turned into fat stores. That is why we need to eat clean foods in their natural state as much as possible such as fruits and vegetables, eggs, lean meats and nuts.

Eating several small meals a day keeps our metabolism revved up and keeps us from going into starvation mode which induces overeating and causes our body to hang onto and store fat. However, if you are a person who prefers to eat 3 meals per day, you can still successfully diet and lose weight. You should not, however, go more than 4 hours between meals and remember to drink lots of water - 2 liters per day is preferred!

Excuse Fatigue

Girlfriends! Have you experienced Excuse Fatigue yet? Are you tired of your own excuses for not eating healthy or making exercise a regular part of your life? GREAT! Now you can experience Health & Fitness Success or HFS! I just love acronyms!

Now....repeat after me. "It is up to ME to find time and motivation to begin eating a clean and lean diet and to find at least 30 minutes per day to exercise." It is not my family's fault because they don't eat right or exercicse or they take too much of my time. It is not because my work hours are too long or I just don't have will power. I can and I will make some changes that will increase my opportunity to extend the length and quality of my life!"

Now, let's GO! :)

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