
Thanksgiving Lessons in Diversity

Greetings web-friends and Happy post holidays!

I love the holidays and am also glad when it's time to get back into a routine after the excessive food. laziness and shopping! My birthday is January 2 so it's always been the day to go back to school, back to work and it's generally the end of all parties and celebrations! LOL!

Thanksgiving 2011 was an interesting and joyous occasion, as always! Perhaps more diverse than any previous holiday I've experienced in days gone by. With the variety in the crowd that graced our home throughout the day, we enjoyed parents, grandparents, children and children's children, siblings and their families and the special treat of my step-daughter and her family as well as some new friends from work who have recently come to work in the states. There was one couple from Tokyo and another colleague from Russia. We had a group of 30 altogether, kids included and of course food in ridiculous abundance!

Mack had everyone introduce themselves and Dad McBurney had the prayer, after telling a Thanksgiving joke about a little boy and a turkey. :) We visited into the late afternoon and the children all played together very well - there were 8 in all from 2-14 so that in itself was a blessing!

That experience and my work with our HR department has been a valuable tool in teaching me some life lessons, recently, with regard to myself and my newly acquired family.

Let me explain! Just as at work, I encounter "diversity" or differences in working with my colleagues due to various backgrounds, cultural influences and a variety of additional factors, I also find it so in my home! Recognizing and embracing the differences is taught as a must in the workplace but it can be a different matter in the home! When I realize that I have "biases" to work with that determine how I think and what approach I take to various encounters, I have to consider the inclusiveness piece to the puzzle or "embracing our differences!"

When I got married, I was all about this formula. Recognize and embrace the differences, negate our biases and be inclusive to all within our home. My husband's values and ideas merited equal importance to mine! I wanted to be "in the know" on all subjects relating to my new husband and his family, including talks with our kids, knowledge of each others family situations, etc. and it was going to be happy days including close relationships with my step-children and lunches and outings with my sisters in law as added "best friends" to the grand mix I already had in my life. (I had no shortage of girlfriends in my world and was so excited to add luncheons and shopping dates and girl secrets shared....) and as has been common in my life over my 47 years, I was disappointed yet again as the idealist always is when all did not happen exactly as I had envisioned! :-D

I also realized that I stumble on the "embracing the differences" piece in my home! LOL - it's more like "This is how I see it and if you see it that same way, we are good! Otherwise, let me help you correct your erroneous thinking!" :) There were some wonderful times in 2011 and some difficult ones but one thing is clear. I'm learning so much day by day!

One of my goals for 2012 is to practice this diversity/biases/inclusiveness relationship in our home and to lower my expectations of people and situations in which the outcome depends on more than just me! I also want to be kinder to myself. I am a person with many lofty goals and disciplines in my life and when I don't reach the pinnacle of success at the appointed (by me) time, I tend to be hard on myself. I want to walk in grace this year and to do all that I can with what I've been given and in those things I cannot control, they must be relegated to my "God box." I want to take it to him and leave it there for his perfect resolution and timing according to his great purpose!

Happy New Year, girlfriends! Let's make it one full of grace and truth!


Passionate Living With Purpose - it's URGENT!

Girlfriends!! Sometimes I marvel that I am 47.....47! Almost 1/2 a century - whoa! And man do I look good for an old girl! LOL! Cracking myself up!

Girlfriends this is urgent! I realize more each day how little attention I paid to time and purpose when I was younger. It seems urgent to me now to daily recognize that each 24 hour period can never be recovered to be lived over again! What is there to do but live this day, this time, our "right nows" with passion and purpose!? It's essential! I am an admitted dreamer and think BIG when it comes to squeezing all I can out of a day and striving to make a difference somewhere along the way and while I struggle with being tired by early evening, due to my 4:30 a.m. start with a fat-blasting work-out and a 70 mile round-trip commute to work, as well as the various stresses of concern for my kids, friends, job responsibilities, etc. that we all carry to one degree or another, I can never apologize for striving to seize the day! It is my passion and privelege to squeeze all I can out of this life I've so graciously been given to return back to my Creator!

What is your passion coming in to 2012? More importantly, how are you going to embark upon fulfilling it? Unlike many, I LOVE the opportunity to make New Year's Resolutions! It's simply a lifestyle continuum for me to set goals and measurements to reach them. I don't always manage to do so - I was going to have my book written last year and now it has been moved ahead to this year but I try not to be TOO hard on myself as I got married, worked through a few set-backs, family needs and some big and wonderful changes in my career that took a lot of onward I go to reach that goal with a little delay on completion time. BUT my point here is that I do set goals and I hope you do, as well. One thing is for sure. If we don't set a goal, we won't reach it!

In living with passion and purpose and thinking of goal setting, ask yourself a few questions. What do I care about? What are my priorities? What relationships need my attention or need to be modified? How is my spiritual life? What kind of physical condition am I in and does it need improvement? As you walk through these questions, you will find your goals coming into view and can begin to work on measurements or ways to reach them. Be sure they are a stretch from where you are now but not out of reach! Be bold, take risks, be reasonable with yourself!

Let me know how it's going. By week's end I will have had 3 lunches this week where I was asked for some encouragement and help with motivation for the new year. This is what I love and am passionate about. It's wonderful to set our goals and even better to bring some others along on the journey!

Have a great week and if you are struggling to find your passion and set your goals, get in a place of prayer and ask God to reveal his start-up plan for you. Believe he has direction - I promise He DOES! He is more than interested in accomplishing his purpose in a willing vessel!


Still Climbing,


Exodus from an Amish flavored lifestyle - Part II

...As I went that evening to Outback Steakhouse for some dinner, I sat near but not in the bar area. I had a notepad and pen and was writing down thoughts, pros/cons, questions and answers all related to my decision of whether or not to leave the church. I ordered a steak and just sat observing people and trying to understand how this would feel to be part of "regular society" again. I watched a couple at the bar, in particular, as they were sharing wine, talking and laughing. I noticed as the evening wore on and after several more drinks, the couple wasn't so fun to watch anymore as they were both more than tipsy. You know how it is when you are not drinking and you are with people who have had too much? :) I knew as I watched that scene that, although I was leaning into the decision to leave the church, I was not drawn to that lifestyle. I wanted to continue to walk with God and to live a "clean" life, as I was accustomed to doing, but with the freedom to do so independently of a strictly planned lifestyle that offered little opportunity for variation or the individual expression of talents and choices.

I finished my dinner and went back to the hotel with mixed emotions and thoughts. There is much to be written about this time in my life as you can imagine in making such a huge transition...relationships were affected, huge adjustments were and still are experienced, the lasting scars from the wounds of being expelled and considered a lost soul who has turned their back on "the truth" and the process of healing over time, with God's grace and the loving support of family and friends...I will further expand in my book but for my blogging with humor purpose here, I will move to the time of my actual departure from the church.

Back home, once my decision was made, I faxed a letter to the 4 ministers and 2 deacons describing my intention. As a point of interest, that is the communication Mennonites most often utilize en mass since they normally don't have computers in the home and, if they do, they likely don't have the ineternet unless strictly for business purposes and then it is heavily filtered against unwholesome content access.

I told my boss and co-workers at the fish plant that I would be leaving my position as Health & Safety Coordinator and front office girl as I knew I could not work there being expelled which would come soon enough. I had been offered a job by the attorney who had handled my divorce. BTW, I did not file for divorce as that constitutes a law-suit and is forbidden by the Mennonite church so my husband filed and I simply responded. I left the 18 year marriage with nothing but some furniture, 1/2 of the proceeds of the sale of our house and 1/2 of our debt, which took care of the small amount of money I received.

I walked into the attorney's office to talk with my lawyer and formally accept the job offer and the young woman at the front didn't even recognize me. She is now one of my dearest friends and helped create both my blog and website! I had been in the office a number of times during the divorce process and had taken cookies, a plant and a thank you for all the assistance in getting through it while I was still a member of the church. I told her who I was and she was like, "What?! Wow!" She proceeded to the back telling everyone that I was there and he wasn't going to believe it! lol He and I had discussed my decision so he was expecting me. When she took me into his office, he said, "Come in here my little Mennonite girl." Everyone in the office gasped when I walked in the door in a suit and decidedly non-Mennonite. It carries some humor, as I recollect but was a very stressful time for me. It's good I can recall it with a smile some 9 years later and many similar incidents where people in town recognized me. Running into my Mennonite friends was a different experience as they would look at me and cry and ask me to come back to the Lord and the church...they didn't believe I could be a Christian outside the church.

The judge in town and his wife, from whom I rented my house in the country, took me under their wing and "re-introduced" me in town. I began my new job and a little later, when I discovered the 2005 Mustang had come out and was retro designed to be very similar to the old 1960's series, of which I had learned to drive with my dad on a '69 Mach I with a stick, I decided I must have one. My dad had recently passed away, suddenly, and I missed him, terribly! I had been driving "plain" vehicles with (white, silver, black - or other non-attention drawing colors for Mennonites) for some time and was ready to have a little flash and splash in my life again! I bought a white mustang and, while I was at the dealership, noticed a Shelby on the front of a Car & Driver magazine there that was red with white racing stripes.....I decided, with little thought as to how FLASHY it would truly be, to have red racing stripes put on it. When it came back a few days later for me to pick up, I was shocked as I realized what a statement it was and that there would be no going incognito in it! I lived in a town of 5,000 people and was pretty well recognized by everyone, before, as the girl who had come to the Mennonite world, was on the front page of the Religion section in the Little Rock Democrat Gazette and worked at the fish plant and now as "that little ex-Mennonite girl" so this was a pretty bold move, even though I really didn't see it that way at the time. I can only imagine how my dear Mennonite friends thought I had lost it and I do mean lost it as in my salvation. I don't say this lightly to be coy, just to give you a picture of the situation and, as I've said, see a little humor in a very tough place in my life. But I felt free to actually be authentically ME again. Since I was a toddler, my mom will tell you, I loved glitter, glamour and bright colors~ and now I loved "my pony!" I really enjoyed that car until I wrecked it 2 years ago on my way to work one morning. It has a special place in my heart as it represented thoughts of my dad, my childhood, the expression of who I am and the early days of my integration back into the societal norm.

To see a picture of me and my stang, check out my FB photos. I now drive an Infinity but it still has a sports package on it.:)

Hope you are finding humor in some of your past dark places. The Bible says, "Laughter does good like a medicine" and I've found that to be very true.

Everyone have an awesome Labor Day weekend and remember to have a positive effect on someone in your world, today, with a smile, a hug and some encouragement that there is grace, hope and help in the tender mercies of our heavenly Father.

Still Climbing,


Exodus from an Amish flavored lifestyle - Part I


Tomorrow I am giving a speech in our "Humorous Speech" contest at our corporate Toastmasters club. I am really more of a motivational verses "funny" speaker but I always try to take advanatage of opportunities to practice public speaking I began thinking about it, I realized that I could share the humor in my experience of leaving the Mennonite church in 2004. At the time, it was anything but funny and yet, as with many difficult experiences in life, hindsight provides some humorous moments. This is no exception! Humor has played a vital role in working through the unique scars I carry from having made this type of lifestyle change and change again!

I recall the day I decided to begin the process of leaving or to at least see what it felt like to look "outside" again...I decided to head to Little Rock on a Saturday morning. The only clothes I had were my long, homemade dresses so I put one on, as usual, but I decided to leave my hair down out of the black head covering that I normally donned every day. I put on some Keds, my sunglasses and snuck out the front door of my house (I felt very conspicuous to say the least!) and quickly got into the little Nissan pickup I drove and took off for what was about a 1 1/2hour drive. I found out later, one of my Mennonite "sisters" saw me driving fast down the highway, hair flying, and was worried. Everyone knew what I had been through with the divorce and my two younger boys leaving for their dad's 2 1/2 years later for "the world."

When I arrived, I went straight to the mall (Dillards) and decided to try on some jeans. I had not been in a pair of blue jeans in years so it was quite an adventure. I remember the girl who helped me was so cute and she must have wondered where I had come from! I remember telling her from the dressing room, as I tugged and pulled on the jeans to get them to come "up" to my waist, "Where are the rest of these jeans?!" When I had been wearing them last, they were still high-waisted and now the low rise effect had come into play. She said, "Well, you go girl - you have a cute figure to wear them!" lol She couldn't have possibly known how strange it all felt!
I found a top to go with them and took the tags off so I could wear them out of the store. I tossed the dress in the trash can on my way to the cosmetic counter, feeling somewhat liberated, excited and guilty/nervous. Prior to becoming a Mennonite, I had been a make-up artist for various venues but it had been a long time since I had any on so I let the girl behind the counter help me to do my face. I had a flashback remembering how I had cried when I first became a Mennonite and walked out of my room in a newly homemade dress, no make-up, no jewelry and my hair all pulled up in the covering. I felt so plain and unattractive for quite some time as I made the adjustment and now I had make-up on again. I felt pretty but was in constant hope no one would see me from the church as Mennonites did shop in Little Rock. My next stop was to check into the Embassy Suites. I've always loved their hotels! :) I went up to the room and sat on the bed. I got up and looked at myself in the mirror a few times. Finally, I turned on the TV. I had not had one in several years so this was yet another strange experience. I watched the Cosby show and laughed, wondering if it was ok to do so. It felt strange to be watching TV! Imagine the shock I had once I realized how mild the Cosby show was and what else was available! A lot of changes in entertainment allowances took place in a few years! I turned the TV off and turned on the radio. I put it on New Country music and got up and danced around a little bit in my room. :-0 I was also praying during this time about all of it and talking to God about how I was feeling. I'm sure it would have made a great Reality TV moment!

To be continued...stay tuned!

Still Climbing,


Fit Tips

Time - 24 Hours

We each have 24 hours in every day. We have to consciously decide how we will manage our time. Most of us, in today's culture are very busy...but we all know people who manage to reach their goals and realize their passions and dreams and many more who never "have enough time." What is the difference?

Make a couple of case studies of people you admire that are making the most of their time and read about them, learn from them...Don't be one with regrets late in life!

Perhaps we make it too complex and need to refocus with a renewed awareness of where we are trying to go! What is important to you? We make time for the things that matter most to us. If you are in a phase of life where you have small children, are in the middle of a career change, etc. be reasonable in your expectations. You may only be able to carve 30 minutes from your day to devote to the 4 areas of fitness but that's a start!

Remember the PEIS factor, friends!

Fail to Plan - Plan to Fail!

It takes a little planning ahead but makes a big difference in reaching your fitness goals. Take several small meals for the day with you to work.

Some items you are likely to find in my lunch bag include:

6 boiled eggs (I only eat the whites)
an apple, banana or berries
small handful of raw nuts - 1/4 cup
protein drink mix - I love Isoflex Peanut butter flavor-gives me my pb fix every day!
1 c. cooked brown rice or quinoa
small sweet potato
0% fat free fage yogurt - 100 cals 18 g protein!

Don't let yourself get too hungry or you will be tempted to binge when you do eat! Have a little something at least every 2-3 works! :-)

Need More Energy During the Day?

It may seem counter-intuitive but using energy produces more energy. If you are not exercising, chances are you feel sluggish, "heavy," or even fatigued. Sound familiar?

Our bodies were designed to move! They need the right fuel to do that and to be energized by exercise in order to build muscle and increase endurance.

If you haven't been on an exercise program, determine to start TODAY! Put away all excuses and do something good for yourself! Begin with 30 minutes of walking 3-5 days per week (this is a brisk walk, not a stroll!) and 2-3 days per week of weight training - start with just 20 minutes of targeting upper body and the next time lower body. Get a Fitness magazine and read it to get pumped! Some of my favorites are Fitness Rx, Oxygen and Hers which are packed with pictures and "how to" exercises! The main point to remember is....get moving! You'll be so glad you did!

Beauty tip for smooth, silky hair!

Stop in at Sally's Beauty Supply and grab a small bottle of one 'n only Argan Oil derived from Moroccan Argan Trees - great stuff!

Just put a small amount (don't use too much or it will make your hair oily) into your hands and rub into hair lightly - you can do this while it is wet and re-apply a small amount if needed once dry. It gives it a nice healthy shine, smooths frizzy ends!

Wisdom from the Coach
Coach John Wooden:

...Intentness - persistence, tenacity, perserverance. It is the ability to resist temptation and stay the course.

...the road to achievement is usually bumpy and long, but you do not give up. You may have setbacks, you may have to start over. You may have to change your method. You may have to go around, or over, or under. You may have to back up and get another start. But you do not quit. You stay the course. To do that you must have "intentness."


Are you overwhelmed with busyness and an unforgiving schedule that demands all you have? Remember, for PEIS to prevail, you must take time for what I term mini-vacations each day! It may be a walk around the block, taking in the sunset and chirping birds to soothe a tired mind and body. It could be a 15 minute bubble bath complete with a tall glass of lemonade (sugar free, of course!), a candle and a favorite book or magazine. It could be riding in your car with the window down and the radio up or a time spent talking to God about your needs and thanking him for his many gifts of kindness towards you!

Whatever it is, don't skip out on those moments needed to refresh your spirit, mind and body - then you can continue to be a fit and loving parent, spouse, friend, daughter, employee....with your own tank full and fit! (:

What do you value?

What is it that makes the difference in our level of fitness vs. our neighbor, friend, co-worker? Isn't it the VALUE we place on being healthy and fit? How do we determine to reach for the goal of attaining and maintaining the appropriate weight, being toned and fit, eating a clean diet and to simply take the road less travleled of living an active and healthy lifestyle?

I belive we must "see" the added value that it brings to our every day life in all areas and tire of the lethargy we feel, the lack of motivation and energy that robs us of truly enjoying all there is in life!

What are your values and how would living a healthy lifestyle benefit you in living out those values?

Love those kids, grandkids? Can you play with them without getting winded, quickly and having to bow out?

What about your job? Do you have the confidence and energy to get where you'd like to go?

Food for thought!

Make it a fit day and...
Keep climbing!

Beauty - Unchangeables

Before we can really aim for our personal best with conviction and the possibility of a positive outcome, we must accept our unchangeables. Our hair type (we can change the color and use products to make it the best it can be but we have to accept it if it's fine, fragile or curly, limp, straight or wavy...we have to accept our body type, be it short, tall, small or larger boned, if we are "hippy" or "twiggie" shaped, the color of our eyes, shape of our features and even our personality to a large degree, our IQ...and on the list goes. Today, take an honset look in your physical and internal mirror and see what those things are that you would like to change. Now, how many of those things CAN be changed and how many do you need to accept? I believe we can and should do all we can to be our personal best, beginning with our inside! We can all choose to put on a smile and a positive attitude and that is where true beauty begins! Dont' be lazy with your appearance, either! Do what you can to improve your "fit-ness" level in ALL areas. Next, get on your knees and pray, thanking God for making you his one-of-a-kind creation and accept your unchangeables. THEN you will be ready to work towards YOUR personal best!

A time of renewal

I'm not sure what your week looks like from Monday - Friday but my weekday begins at 4:30 and I am in full work-out mode by 4:45. Not so easy on an avearge of 6 hours sleep but it is a lifeline of energy for my long commute and demanding days at work! Of course once I'm home in the evening, it's time to make dinner and lunches for the next day, run any necessary errands, attend group on Monday nights, spend some time updating my blog, twitter and facebook pages, visit with familly and friends, fit in various dentist, doctor, hair, etc. appts and it's always a very full week! I am usually sleeping on the couch as soon as we sit down to watch a movie or just relax. :) Now, I'm not complaining...ok maybe I would like it if I could work out around 6:30 instead of 4:30 but I choose my work schedule so that is my option! One thing my husband and I do on Saturdays is sleep in (which usually amounts to between 6-7 AM for me) have a nice relaxing time of coffee and breakfast, maybe a bubble bath :-) and just start our morning nice and easy. It doesn't always work out this way but we try to make it a habit as much as possible. Be sure you take time to recover and revitilize your tired mind and body during the week. Don't forget to rest your spirit in prayer, too! I could do a better job in this area for sure!

What are you passionate about? Have you discovered it?

Take some time to think about your God-given talents, gifts, passions and how you want to pursue them. Don't let life just "happen" to you. HAPPEN TO LIFE with purpose! :-)

Consider this great read, Halftime by Bob Buford. It will help you get motivated and enthused about your life and where you want to go with your passions!

Aim high!

Want to work on a great pair of lean, shapely legs?

Squats, lunges and calf raises are great ways to work your legs. For the advanced exercise enthusiasts, P90X has a great legs and back workout and Insanity will shape and tone your legs, beautifully! I also use the exercises in Oxygen and Fitness RX - they chock their magazines full of great exercises with pictures and how to instructions every month!

To lean out those legs, my brother, a certified fitness instructor, had me add a 45 minute power walk 3 times per week to my work-out routine. It's working great!

Cherish your home girls!

Cherish your girlfriend connections and let them know you do! (: These beautiful women are so important to our sanity and fulfillment as women! Some are with you for the fun, others for the tears, some to speak into your life and help you be your best and a few blessed souls have a friend or two who does all three and then some!

Send a note, give a hug, share a small gift...let one of your angel sisters, sent from above, know what she means to you, today!

Confession is good for the soul

If I seem to sound as though I always make the best choices and stay on top of my game each and every day, let me assure you, I am oh-so-human and I do allow myself "cheat" days and meals on occasion, particularly on special occasions like my one year anniversary last weekend! I had 2 glasses of wine with my dinner, which was Italian, and NOT low cal!- LOL

This week I have been under the weather - ears and sinuses, so I have had to modify my workout intensity and even skipped a couple of days when I could tell my body was demanding rest.

Part of living a "fit" life is to understand and practice balance. Fanaticism is not healthy and an imbalance in any of the 4 areas will rob us of our PEIS.

To conclude, let's purpose to live a disciplined and fit life with balance. This isn't easy for me as I tend to get obsessive about everything being "just right." I have to remind myself that moderation, in all things, is the key.

What works for you...

Are you a snacker or a mealtime kind of person? All in all, how many total calories we take in each day verses how many we burn will ultimately decide whether we lose, gain or maintain our weight.

However, all calories are not created equal! Some digest easier and some are more readily turned into fat stores. That is why we need to eat clean foods in their natural state as much as possible such as fruits and vegetables, eggs, lean meats and nuts.

Eating several small meals a day keeps our metabolism revved up and keeps us from going into starvation mode which induces overeating and causes our body to hang onto and store fat. However, if you are a person who prefers to eat 3 meals per day, you can still successfully diet and lose weight. You should not, however, go more than 4 hours between meals and remember to drink lots of water - 2 liters per day is preferred!

Excuse Fatigue

Girlfriends! Have you experienced Excuse Fatigue yet? Are you tired of your own excuses for not eating healthy or making exercise a regular part of your life? GREAT! Now you can experience Health & Fitness Success or HFS! I just love acronyms!

Now....repeat after me. "It is up to ME to find time and motivation to begin eating a clean and lean diet and to find at least 30 minutes per day to exercise." It is not my family's fault because they don't eat right or exercicse or they take too much of my time. It is not because my work hours are too long or I just don't have will power. I can and I will make some changes that will increase my opportunity to extend the length and quality of my life!"

Now, let's GO! :)


Scars...Visible and Invisible

On Memorial Day weekend of this year my husband broke two bones - one in his femur and another in his tibula as he was just walking down a hill, taking pictures. He slipped in his flip-flops and tried to catch himself and heard the POP! 3 months later, following surgery and the placement of some permanent hardware in his leg, followed by a caste and a then a boot, he has a visible scar that he will likely carry for the remainder of his life. He also has a reminder whenever he irritates the leg with overexertion as it swells for several hours until he adequately rests it. The Dr. says this may continue for up to a year.

About 1 1/2 years ago, I hyper extended my right arm doing karate punches - you aren't supposed to extend your arm all the way to a straight arm when throwing your punches....:-/ Even though it's been quite a while since the injury took place, I still feel the scar or effects every day. When I carry a heavy purse, do bicep curls, get penned in next to my husband during cuddle time...I am reminded of the "scar" that remains. I'm uncertain how long this will continue or if it's something I'll have to just live with from now on. I know I'm aware of the scarred area even though no one would know it by looking at my arm.

When we have been wounded emotionally, there is often an invisible scar that remains even though we may have tried to reconcile a devestating event, made amends or granted forgiveness in situations where there has been a need.

When a wound is newly covered by a scar, it can easily be re-opened, creating pain afresh, fear, anxiety, anger and mistrust in the present. This is particularly true if the incident(s) happened with someone with whom you are still sharing some type of relationship. As time passes, and if no subsequent wounds are inflicted in the same area, the scar gets a little hardier and is not so easily removed to expose the wound but there are some scars that run deep and triggers that can bring about that wounded feeling or fear again. It can be a place, a phrase, an angry look or tone, almost anything, really. I know I have several triggers that remind me of painful times and it's difficult to overcome. When this happens, I struggle with fear and what I call mental gymnastics, anxious that I may have to face yet more heartache and pain. I pray for healing in these areas and for the grace to trust that God has my life in his hands and nothing can hurt me without first passing through him. At times I fare better than others. If I get overly tired or am under extra stress at work or in some other area, the triggers more readily bring my emotions to the surface. This is one reason why a regular time of disciplined prayer and reading my Bible, a mostly clean diet, exercise, adequate sleep and a way to express myself, often in writing, speaking or talking with a close friend, is vital to my emotional "fit-ness."

Remember, as you go about interacting with others, that many who strike out and wound are themselves wounded and many scars are not readily visible but with a little closer examination and a prayer to be a force for good in our sphere of influence, we can see with spiritual eyes and seek to participate in the healing process of the scars that we or others may be carrying.

Pray for me as I pray for you that our scars may be gently covered by the nail scarred hands of our Savior.

Still Climbing,


Do EVERYTHING without complaining or arguing Philippians 2:14

Ouch! Are you serious, Paul?! EVERYTHING?! The rest of the passage explains that we will shine as God's children in a dark world. The implication is that as we do "everything" without complaining or arguing - King James version says "without murmuring," we will stand out. Why? Perhaps because complaining and arguing is the norm and the absence of it will cause people to take notice!

I've done my fair share of complaining AND arguing! I'm not alone. I have noticed more, of late, that we are such an impatient people, especially here in the US. We are so accustomed to having everything at our fingertips, we become irritated when it takes a little longer for our waiter to serve our meal, our light to turn green, or when someone interrupts our day. We have things to DO! I faciliate the new hire orientations for our office and, being a global company, I have the privilege of meeting and working with people from all over the world. I have to say I see a difference in some that come from outside the US in this area. They are not as easily or quickly agitated by small inconveniences, on average, as those of us who call our native country the wonderful USA. We want it fast - and hurry up! (:

That little member of our bodies, the tongue, is once again shown to have the potential for much good or all that is destructive and I am encouraged by the wisdome of God's Word, today, to first of all work on my "inside" which will, for the most part, produce what comes out my mouth...and because I am oh so human and many thoughts pass through my mind in a day, to be sure my filter is firmly in place between my brain and my mouth! First, think good thoughts and then speak good things!

Still Climbing,

The Death of a Dream Gives Birth

Have you experienced the death of a dream? Maybe it was a career that didn't materialize, the happy and loving marriage you'd always dreamed of but aren't experiencing or has even ended in divorce. It could be the path your child(ren)is taking? For some, it's the perfect health you've always enjoyed....until now.

I know I've experienced the death of a dream and I can tell you that it didn't die, easily - In fact, I tried to resurrect it, repeatedly, only to find it was unresponsive to all my desperate attempts at resuscitation! Not long ago, I finally came to a place where I realized I had to give my dead dream a proper burial so that the birth of a new dream could take root!

It's important, before we bury a dream, we allow ourselves to mourn and then we examine it, just as a coroner examines a body to discover the cause of death, before turning it over to it's final resting place. We need to understand what happened...inasmuch as it helps us to move on, in a new direction, and then we need to lay it to rest.

I know one dream of mine, regarding the pathway each of my boys would take as they grew into adulthood, was destined for the grave, because its success depended on the choices of other people and, I didn't realize it, at the time, but I thought I was in control of the outcome. You see, if I played my role, correctly, and implemented the "right" formula, the outcome was a sure thing! It's easy, right? 2+2 most definitely =4! Thing is, friends, I had made that dream a god in my life instead of God, himself. I didn't realize it but I had that dream in a death grip (pun intended) and allowed it to become a "have to happen" the way I envisioned it situation. I can see, looking back now, that, unintentionally,I caused my boys alot of pain, while I thought I was protecting them and training them in the way they should go! Don't get me wrong, here. We should teach our children the Word of God and pray with them, help them, as much as possible, to choose the good and right things in everything they do, from the words they speak, to the things they allow into their minds, to abstinence in dating and so on! It IS our responsibility and if we shirk that, as parents, we have to account for it. At the same time, we must always keep God as our God and realize that things may not go just as we'd like or thought they should, but God has a redemptive plan and it could look a lot different than ours. Since I had the wrong god, it was devastating, beyond words, when it didn't pan out like I thought! I missed what I am now enjoying and that is having the sure faith that God is at work in their lives and resting in that, day by day.

Now, not all dreams die because of ours or someone else's wrong choices. There are times when God allows things to happen in our lives for reasons we may not understand until we reach eternity and we must accept that. I love this phrase I once heard, "In acceptance, lieth peace." We rely on God and our Christian friends and family to help us through those times and pray for God to be glorified in the outcome.

Other dreams are never realized because of inaction on our part or a debilitating fear that keeps us from taking a risk. Once we realize that a dream is lifeless, we must guard against allowing fear to take root instead of a new dream! I've been there! May we never live a day without a dream! It may be a more appropriate or attainable version of a misdirected dream or it may be entirely new but we must never compare the new dream to the old one. Often things behind us appear better than they were! :-) We need to check with the Source who gives us life, and allow him to birth those new dreams that have purpose and are marked by his grace.

Today, if you are holding on to a dead dream, it is likely hurting you and keeping you from a brand new one! Take a trip to your knowing place and bury it before God. He will birth a new and wonderful dream in your heart, as you yield to his plan. You will begin to feel the stirrings of hope and anticipation, and the heaviness of the grief you've been carrying, will find it's resting place. I know it's true. I've experienced it.

Jer. 31:13: "I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow."

Eccl. 3:4, "[there is] a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance..."

Still Climbing,


Joe Barnes - Man of Influence...Part I

"Being dead, he still speaks." Hebrews 11:4

This was the verse read at my dad's funeral 8 years ago and, every time I think of it, I marvel at how appropo it was in it's application to who he was and the influence he carried...and still does, in the hearts of those who knew him.

Joe Barnes was a man of influence.

Like many girls, I adored my dad and, in my eyes, he was a giant of a man. Oh, he had faults (a few :) but they seemed to pale in the light of his unwavering strengths. It has been said, within our family, that Dad didn't go around barking out commands but, when he spoke, on a serious note, you listened. It seemed as though his directions were edicts not to be ignored or taken lightly, especially on the larger matters of life and moral/ethical decisions. I didn't often live up to my dad's expectations in my choices as a teenager and young adult but I wanted to. And when I failed to do so, I didn't want him to know it! So different from much of what we see today. I would never have smoked or cussed in front of my father or told him of my "shameful" deeds, not because I feared punishment but because I feared disappointing him. I loved and respected my dad and It felt like a knife to my heart knowing I let him down. Much like him in his childhood, though, I was prone to mischief and impulsive misbehaving.

Dad had a great sense of humor, a constant twinkle of mischief in his pale blue eyes and he could fix anything and did as soon as it needed it. I was always amazed at his patience with a Do it Yourself manual and the tenacity to work at something until he had it figured out and done! He had stick-to-it-iveness! I did NOT inherit that trait. lol!

As hard as it may be to believe, I never heard my dad raise his voice in all of the years I knew him. I heard him get stern a very few times but rarely with me. My brother tells of one time when he raised him up off his feet against the refrigerator, as a young man, and didn't say a word, in response to him mouthing off. I can't imagine Dad doing that but I know my brother says he deserved it and understood exactly what was "being said." Very different from the response that it would likely bring today, no doubt!

Having been a surprise to his parents late in life, the youngest of 8, he had more personality and energy for mischief than a whole pack of boys and tired, older parents who didn't do a whole lot about it. There were many tales of provoking his cousin, the Sheriff, in the small town in Alabama where he was raised, to chase after him, by racing past him in his "cut-down" car, cutting school and playing endless pranks on teachers and classmates.

I remember, even as a child, my dad driving very fast in his Boss Haus - the 69 Mach I Mustang he loved. He and my mom both had the "need for speed" and rode Harley's, too. I inherited that love for fast cars and Harley's! Dad was pulled over and lectured once when my brother and I were sleeping in the back seat and he was clocked going 100 mph on a curvy road on his way from Houston to Alabama for a trip home. He, like me, was always respectful when "caught" and felt bad that his impulsive behavior had caused a problem...but he continued in the same vein until years later. After my brother and I were grown and gone, he and my mom ran into an old school mate, who refused to believe my dad was a Safety Director for a trucking company. He would later become VP of Safety. The school mate laughed himself silly at the thought. Dad did wear a helmet later in life when riding the Harley and his driving slowed down after dealing with the results of reckless driving in his job.

Dad didn't attend church and, consequently we, as a family, didn't either but, somehow, I knew and perceived in him that he was a believer. He didn't "talk it up" often but I saw him tear up at old gospel hymns and he always seemed to have a love and respect for the Lord. He was a regular attender the last 6 months of his life, though he had no idea he was going to die of acute Leukemia.

Even though Dad still liked to play pranks, at work, and have a good time, he was also known for his character. I saw many instances where he went out of his way to be honest in his dealings and to right any wrongs he realized he had done. I remember once he told me that, as a very young man on his first job driving a bread truck, he had sold some bread as fresh that was "day old" and pocketed the money for a short period of time. It had bothered him all the years since and he had tried in vain to look for the company to repay what he believed he owed. When he found out the company was no longer in business, he rid himself of the money for what he believed was a good cause. This was just one example of many where I saw his character and humility.

Dad was also generous. My parents both let me know, by example, that to leave a tip less than 15-20% of the bill, was a "sorry" thing to do. They always said if they couldn't afford to tip well, they couldn't afford to eat out. I have that very same mentality, today. I guess that one stuck! lol! I remember he and Mom turning around to go back to a restaurant they had been to earlier to give the waitress a $100 tip (my parents weren't rich by any means) because they felt bad for her as she was going through a tough time. You also didn't want to litter around my dad as he categorized that as "sorry" and "lazy" too and he had a strong aversion to cussing. He had little respect for people who cussed, frequently, or used the GD or F-bomb and said they needed to increase their vocabulary. I remember him telling a neighbor that he expected him to control his language around my mother and me. He did have some strong opinions on certain issues....and I'm afraid THAT he did pass on, as well! Neither my brother nor I cuss....not that we don't have other vices! lol

I have many fond memories of my dad - one was when he would call me out to his car to listen to a sentimental country song he had heard on the radio or purchased. One was Butterfly Kisses about a daddy and his little girl. We just sat side by side in the car listening and he'd look over with a little smile playing around his lips and tear-brimmed eyes. I loved him so much for that soft spot he had! I also remember him waking me up in the wee hours of the morning, back when he drove a truck, asking if I was "hungry." Of course I said "yes!" and got up to eat a sandwich with him. :)

I also remember when he caught me smoking - I was 16, as I recall, and had taken my mom's car to the store. I smoked and threw the butt out the windown but it came back in the back window and burned a hole in the seat. :-0 My dad made me sit down and told me I would NOT be a smoker if he could help it as he had battled that addiction all his life and it was too terrible to see me take it on (do as I say....). He made me sit down and smoke an entire pack one after the other until I was green! Actually, he left my mom to deal with it. He wasn't good at being "the bad guy." Poor Mom! I was sooo sick! He hoped I would never smoke again. It worked for awhile and then I picked it back up and smoked off and on until I was 19 and quit - never touched them, again.

The day I went to tell my dad I was pregnant at 19 with my now ex-husband in tow, was a dreadful day. My dad turned his controlled but direct anger towards him, which wasn't necessarily fair, but he was 8 years older than me and I think it hurt Dad too much to believe it was "my" fault. I won't go into details here about that event but I moved out of the house after that and my parents did not attend my wedding. It would be six months before we were together again, after that day.

While most girls are escorted down the aisle by a smiling father and given away to the man they love, I found out years later that my dad was lying in bed, shaking, hanging onto the rails behind his bed, in agony, that he had "let me down" in not raising me in church and to "know better." As I was crying on my way down the aisle, not because I was happy but because I knew I didn't love this man but believing I had to do the "right" thing and because my family was not there with me. I realized my choices had killed my little girl's dream. My mom told me years later that she and my grandmother were watching across the parking lot. It was a dark day but I had made my bed and was determined to lie in it, which I did for 18 years. Dad should have realized he had taught me that, by example. :)He could not attend, in good conscience, because of the fact that my ex-husband had been married before, causing me to commit adultery and because I was pregnant out of wedlock. Somehow, I was never angry at Dad for this. I knew what my dad believed and didn't really expect anything different. Right or wrong, my dad was a man who stood by what he believed and he believed, in his heart, he could not give me his blessing. He was heartbroken and so was I....

Remembering you, Daddy!

To be continued.

Still Climbing,


Right Now

Past. Present Future.
Time. Circumstances. Decisions.

What we have, girlfriends, is our right now! The choices we make speak words that build up and offer hope, an approachable expression on our faces, the positive can-do attitude we choose to display, the prayer on our lips, the kindness and forgiveness we offer toward others, the healthy food choices we make, the decision to exercise and be our personal best. We cannot undo our yesterdays, only take steps that attempt to right any wrongs of which we are aware. leaving the results to God...and the choice to begin afresh.

The present - our moments, today, is within our reach. May God grant us eyes to see and ears to hear that what our moments consist of, grandiose, or seemingly insignificant happenings, and the reactions or responses we choose are what make up our lives and, ultimately, determine our destiny and the legacy we leave for others.

Let's build on a good foundation, today, by breathing a prayer for the people we love and the things we face, giving thanks for our blessings and then let's walk in love toward our family, friends, colleagues and those chance encounters that come our way.

Make it a fit day!

Still Climbing,

It seems that, for me, and likely for you, every day has it's challenges, laughter, tears, hopes and dreams, disappointments, successes and failures. In it all, God's grace is in view and available for me to experience if I listen for his still, small voice of comfort and direction. Being self absorbed tends to block the spiritual senses so let's pray together for a God-awareness throughout the day!

Still Climbing,


The Value of One Life

Girlfriends! :-D

Im thinking of the word, "value," which is closely associated with "worth." It denotes the regard or esteem placed on something and there is often a cost, a price involved in how we determine that value.

Today, I'm thinking of value as it relates to people and the opportunity to place value, a level of importance, a worth on the people we encounter each day. We have many opportunities, in a day, to place value on the people we meet. For me, it all relates to how I begin my day in those first moments of consciousness. It is my habit (although I'm ashamed to report that I have fallen out of it a number of times in my life) to whisper a good morning to God and to declare my love to him, thank him for allowing me breath and life for another day, ask for his guidance and that he would give me eyes to "see" and ears to "hear" what he wants me to be about, today. That is my first contact of the day and the most important one for me to place a high value upon!

From there, I have a myriad of encounters, some very brief (i.e. the guy behind the counter at the Valero station at my morning coffee stop, the other drivers on the road as I make my downtown commute (oh, yes, I'm afraid they DO count!! :0), the faces I pass as I make my way to the elevator, the girls who clean the glass doors and restrooms in our building, my co-workers...the day goes on and so do the encounters.

What value do I place on these chance meetings? Am I aware that they are even taking place or is my head buried in my cell phone texting, talking, listening to my ipod, etc? Do I take time to smile and acknowledge them by making eye contact? What about that coffee guy? Do I look for a name badge on his shirt or even ask him his name so that I can use it, placing value on him as more than just a figure behind the counter? Do I give a compliment when prompted in my thoughts? Do I look up from my computer and take a few minutes to listen to a co-workers heart?

What about the ones that live in my own home?? Are their words acknowledged so that they can see I place value on them? Do I practice actively listening? Do I still "see" them or are they permanent fixtures that I just expect to be there?

Ladies, our God is all about people. Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost and he is still all about that, today. Sure, we have responsibilities, we have jobs to do, we have many things to see to...but if we miss the main thing, which is placing value on the people that cross our paths each day, in little ways and big, some for a season and some forever, we will have missed everything! Think I'm overstating my case? Let's look at Jesus' words.

Jesus said, Matt. 22:37“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the great and first commandment. 39 And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 40On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”

Today, let's ask God to give us eyes to "see" what matters and take time to acknowledge those whom he places in our path. We all get busy and fall short in this area. It may be a smile, a touch, a kind word, the sound of their name on our lips, giving it significance, an extra cup of coffee brought back from Starbucks, an invitation to a neighbor, the gift of listening...placing a high value on the most valuable of all -a human life for whom Jesus gave his life, will add value to our own lives. See what a difference your life - one life, can make. You could be a game-changer in the life of another person, with just a smile or a few words. Think of that!

Thanks for stopping by, today.

I would love to hear your comments or for you to drop me an email. It blesses my heart to know how God is working in your life and what challenges you are facing so I can know how to pray for you.

Still Climbing,


A Conscience Void of Offense


Warm hearted greetings! I have been ill this week and am trying to get back on my feet...have missed our coffee room chats! Pull up a chair and read with me a most inspiring and challenging thought from the book of Acts.

When defending himself to the Governor before his accusers, Paul made quite a statement. In Acts 24, he begins by saying he is very happy to speak for himself and, in verse 16, he says, "And herein do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offence toward God, and toward men." Wow!

I read that and had to ask myself, do I practice this..."to always have my conscience void of offense...?" No, I'm afraid I do not. There are times that I am shamefully aware that I have either caused or am carrying some offense around, in my conscience, toward God or man. I know I've said something that needs to be repented of or I have done something that hurt someone, even if at times it is only God who is having to bear my offense. The remedy for this is summed up in one simple word and one from which we shy away; humility. If I can only humble myself, at the beginning and end of each day, and ask God to shine the searchlight of his all knowing and all loving eye into my heart, he will be faithful to reveal to me any offense that resides in my heart...or in the heart of someone else, as it relates to my choices. Ideally, we will begin to ask God as we walk through our day, particularly when facing a difficult situation, to keep us from offense. Sometimes it isn't that I have initiated conflict or caused the initial rift but could it be in my reaction? The Bible says that, as a Christian, I am an ambassador for Christ, and, therefore, a representative who has a higher calling than an eye for an eye mentality...

Let's pray for an open and humble heart that desires to always be without offense, either on our part or in causing it in someone else's heart. Most often, offense comes by our tongue, as we are told in the book of James, but we know it isn't really about taming our tongue, but rather asking God to change our hearts. If God shows us an offense, let's pray for grace to humble ourselves, quickly, and remove it from our conscience. Peace is the sweet reward! doesn't depend on the response of the other party (unless it's God :-)and he is ready and willing to forgive! We can do what we know is right and leave the results with him. The Bible instructs as, "As much as it lies within YOU, live at peace with all men."

Have a wonderful weekend and if you are facing overwhelming circumstances in your life, right now, ask the Lord to keep you extra close to him and to give you grace that you can keep a conscience void of offense. I know I need more awareness and humility in my heart!

Still Climbing,

Expelled - Part I

Names have been changed in the ensuing dialogue.....thanks to the passing of time and the natural inclination of the brain in very painful circumstances to block out the most difficult memories, the following should not be taken as an exact replica of the actual exchanges, but a very close recollection. Anything slightly misremembered in wordage shouldn't detract from the reality of a very similar conversation.

"Cherrie...Rick's voice was sad and he spoke slowly on the other end of the phone line, with the words I knew were to come ..."we have to address your decision at our member's meeting Tuesday night. It has become apparent, with your job at the lawyer's office and your public appearances around town, that you have left the church and we must proceed with church discipline. Do you want to be present to answer for yourself?"

I declined in a respectful manner, knowing very well, the procedure to follow and that I did not care to listen as the church brought my case before the members of the Mennonite church and voted to expel me from the fold, with hopes I would repent and return.

I understood the implications of working for the highest profile attorney in the tiny town of 5,000 where Mennonites were well revered, though the vast majority of town people had no desire to adopt their lifestyle.

Mennonites do not believe in litigation nor law-suits of any kind. Incidentally, this would include divorce. This is all related to their "non-resistance" stance and belief that God is the one who brings men and women into account for wrong-doing and therefore, will not go "to law" to handle a grievance. For me to have taken a job in such an environment was a public proclamation that I had left "the way" and must come under church discipline.

I frequently ran into Mennonites in town and, at times, they would walk up to me and begin to cry as they saw my new "worldly" look, complete with make-up, jewelry and fashionable clothing. I often stayed nights with my landlords down the road during this time. As soon as I made the decision to leave the church and had written a letter to inform the staff (2 ministers and 4 deacons), I went to visit them and tell them of my decision. I had to be sure they would continue to rent the little house out in the country to me. They had lost a daughter to cancer two years prior and took me in as their own. Hot baths, dinners out "re-introducing" me in town and just encouraging me. I had been the Health and Safety Coordinator at our Mennonite owned fish processing plant before being expelled (only single or divorced women usually work outside the home)and so I was a familiar face both to Mennonites and town people. I would also be approached by people in town, at times who would look at me...look again and say...."Don't I know you...?" Then it would be "Oh, you are that little ex-Mennonite girl from the fish plant!" Guess I was still recognizable without my black head covering and change of attire...

To be continued.....


Have an "Excellent" Day!

Girlfriends!! Happy Monday! Never say "O no, it's Monday!" When you take that approach, you invite a less than excellent day and lose 24 hours from your week! Monday ROCKS! :)

Excellence = Distinction. It denotes doing, going and being above average. I don't know about you but I don't like words like normal, average, typical...I believe God gives to each of us special talents, gifts, and abilities so that we will utilize them in an excellent way. Don't confuse excellence with perfection, which only brings disappointment and frustration. As leading fitness expert Tony Horton says, "Do your best and forget the rest!"

Whatever our hands find to do, today, let's do it with excellence. Go the second mile. Do more than is expected and that doesn't necessarily mean working harder - it means to pay attention to the need at hand and think outside the box for the best results - it could mean taking more time for some-ONE today rather than some THING or slowing down to do a few things well rather than trying to cram in 1,000 things with mediocre we journey along, let's take along a small bag with a great can-do-think-the-best-of-others attitude, a willingness to give up some personal comfort and time to encourage someone else and a prayer on our lips to recognize the opportunities we encounter to affect the world around us in word and deed!

May God be honored as we seek to practice excellence in his name, today.

Still Climbing,

"Look beneath the surface so you can judge correctly." John 7:24

Religion. Jesus hates it. No, REALLY! He told the religious leaders of his day that they were hypocrites, white washed tombstones that looked clean on the surface but inside were full of dead men's bones....he chided them to wash the inside for cleanliness rather than focusing on ceremonial washing. A radical thought then and now! It's easier to follow a set of rules than to give ourselves to developing a relationship and millions of people do it every day, around the globe. Are you a rule follower or a relationship builder? Which am I?

Here's the down low. Religion is all about the outside and how to clean it up nice and pretty so it looks good. Do this and don't dare do that! Go here but don't go there! Make friends with these people but avoid those at all costs and on the list of rules goes. Lean in friends.....grasp with me, once again, that God is interested in relationship....not rules!

The one who is forgiven of much loves much, Jesus said. As we learn to know God and realize the grace he freely offers us, through his Son's atoning death on a cruel cross, our devotion should grow and we will want to love him more in our comings, goings and doings...not so as to follow a set of rules but from a heart of gratitude and devotion to the One who loved us and gave himself up for us. I want to love him more!

Follow after relationship, friends, not rules. A good reminder for my own heart today as it is prone to follow a set of rules and wander from the joy of relationship.

Still Climbing,


My Need His Grace

As I was taking my power walk this morning, I was reminded of my need and God's grace in my life and I began to talk to my Heavanly Father about the people I love. As I poured my heart out to God for this one and then another, I began to ask that "Sammy" would see his need...his need to know the God who created and loves him and that, as he sees his need, God would reveal and extend his amazing grace to meet that need.

We know that in order for Sammy to make any genuine change, he must first feel a need to do so and once he feels the need, he must see some way to make the change.

The problem is, In Sammy's world, little to no time is taken for quiet reflection but every waking moment is filled with noise and distraction and this makes it highly unlikely Sammy will recognize his need unless something happens to get his attention.

Still, there is power in "standing in" for Sammy who hasn't yet seen his need. The One who created him knows how best to speak to his need for rescue, for redemption, for a restored relationship with his Creator. It may be at 3:15 AM in that quiet hour where "the knowing place" inside Sammy is alert for a brief window of opportunity or it could be in an encounter with a stranger that shows him something of his need. Whatever the situation, our place is to pray for the need to be recognized and met.

Talk to God about the ones you love, today. Ask him to reveal to your "Sammy" his/her need - and if you know some of the specifics of the particular need in that person, share your heart with God and ask for the grace of our loving God to meet the need. Then walk in faith knowing the God "who desires all men to be saved" will create opportunities and whisper in those quiet moments an offer of amazing grace.


Passion....Not Perfection!


I know how busy you are - just grab your cup of coffee and join me for a few brief minutes to unwrap an important message I feel inspired to share with you!

For those who have been reading my blog or have visited my facebook page, ChersFit4Life, you see alot about living with passion! Today, I want to tell you what living with passion is NOT. Living with passion is NOT living with a standard of perfection! Should you find you are continually reaching for perfection, and no doubt being disappointed with the outcome, you will miss out on a truly passionate life! While there are a few commonalities in the definitions of passion and perfection, such as excellence and determination, passion is distinctive in that it energizes with enthusiasm and can produce a happy outcome. It is entirely possible and highly advantageous to live a passionate life...without the burden of achieving perfection. BUT try to live a life of perfectionism and see how well you maintain your passion! While passion gives energy, perfectionism invites fatigue! Check your energy level!

Girls, there are many areas where this might show up in your life and mine. I remember one particular Easter. I wanted everything perfect! Didn't all good moms feel this way? There were the baskets, eggs to color and hunt and all the festivities to make it a perfect day! I made a rabbit cake for the "fun" factor and picked a book to help emphasize the true meaning of Easter. I was reading the Easter story, the boys became restless and began to agitate each other and then started fussing and laughing over the cake and who was going go get what piece. Before I knew it, my cake was smashed right in the bunny nose BEFORE I got a picture of it! There were 3 pair of eyes looking at me for my reaction and mine began to fill with tears of defeat and disappointment. I can imagine how my boys felt at my distress, due to their mischief. Today, I can see that if I had been living with passion, rather than perfectionism, I could have laughed and preceded on to enjoy the rest of the holiday fun. I'm not saying a scolding of some sort wasn't in order but perspective could have put me in a more gracious state of mind. I could only think about how my special plans had been thwarted! Passion, Girls, NOT perfection!

I can offer one more very simple example from just two nights ago, with a better outcome: CONFESSION! I ate a couple of bites (nice size bites) of chocolate cake AND tiramisu AND cheesecake AND some other 4-layer cake I can't even remember the name of at a lovely dinner hosted by some of our dear friends AND I enjoyed every single bite! :-0 What a glorious night - a "cheat" night - woo-hoo! Make no mistake, after such a night, I am right back on my clean eating plan. I have my egg whites, salad, grilled chicken breast, apple and protein shake mix all prepared for today's fare sure was fun! I didn't let one evening of less than a perfect diet de-rail me with disappointment! It's called having a passionate NOT perfectionist approach to being healthy and fit that allows for a deviation from the norm, on occasion (just not too many occasions!) so as to be truly Fit4Life, not just living Life 2 B Fit!

Have a great week and whatever your hand finds to do...I encourage you, choose to do it with passion that energizes rather than suffering the drain of perfectionism!

Still Climbing,


Life Is Not About Food! No, REALLY It's Not!

GIRLFRIENDS! I have a question?! Why, oh why, do we make everything about FOOD in our culture?! Lean in, girls, for an important newsflash! If we want to live a fit and fabulous life (especially for those over 40 - nobody I know...but just FYI! :-) we have to learn to think differently - to get our minds right!

Pay attention to your own or most anyone else's conversation for a short time and see how much time is given to FOOD as the subject of discussion! Oh! The time spent on, around, about and eating FOOD, FOOD and more FOOD! :-0 Don't get me wrong - I LOVE food, just like the next girl, but it gets too much face time if you ask me and I'm glad you did! ;-)

Let me be clear. Unless you are a chef, your life should not revolve around food! Make your life about living passionately, within your purpose, as it relates to the unique way God has wired you and, in that place, be busy building and maintaining meaningful relationships! THAT is life!

Food is a great tool to fuel our bodies in the best possible way so as to condition us to be our personal best! Instead of having an unhealthy focus or even obsession with food and spending most of our waking hours thinking about and planning and preparing our next exchange with it, let's change our thinking about the purpose it has in our lives!

It's great to get excited about a special event such as a birthday party, bridal shower, an upcoming holiday cook-out,etc. but let's reel in the intense focus on what we will EAT and get excited about what we will D

I have food to eat that you don't know about. My food is to do the will of him that sent me. Jesus

Be Fit 2 Fight - "Eat" Right!

Being fit in all 4 areas is important for any number of reasons. The one I want to address today is being fit 2 fight! Yep! You heard me right! This life is a beautiful ride with some painful bumps in the road, at times, and when we get "out of shape" in any of the 4 areas of our being, we are vulnerable to getting sucker punched!

Any of you who have read my blogs, or if we have chatted more than once or twice, know that I believe we must remain "fit" and growing in all 4 areas of life: spiritual, intellectual, emotional and physical in order to live a passionate life of excellence!

If we are "out of shape," spiritually, when a tough opponent comes along in the form of temptation or discouragement, we will forget to lean into prayer and be unable to recall verses and readings that, had we been taking them in and meditating on them during the week, we might not find ourselves tapping out in those tough rounds where important moral and ethical decisions are made!

If we are "out of shape," intellectually, and have been feeding out of the trash bin with too many mind numbing, valueless TV shows and books, negative conversations or gossip or if we have just been "starving" ourselves instead of taking in enlightening and brain stimulating growth opportunities and conversations, we will find ourselves "dumbed down" in dealing with the complexities that may come our way or blind-sided to career and personal growth opportunites, since we have made ourselves dull of hearing! Remember to keep your diet clean for optimal fight ready health!

If we are "out of shape," emotionally, when something happens that hurts our feelings or jars our healthy self perception, instead of being emotionally healthy enough to accept what is helpful in our pursuit of growth, and discarding the rest, we will take it as a personal assault and become bogged down in being people pleasers or take on the feeling of worthlessness from some careless words or someone else's bad day! We must feed ourselves with positive thoughts, surround ourselves with positive people and build ourselves up by taking care with what we allow into our minds through our ears and eyes! This will prepare us for a face off with those moments when our emotions are under attack!

Lastly, if we are "out of shape," physically, not getting enough rest, carrying extra weight, eating junk food and not taking time to dress ourselves in an attractive way that makes us feel confident and prepared for each day, we will find ourselves at a disadvantage in the ring when it comes to being able to fight lethargy, depression, a nagging lack of self-confidence and the constant need for the approval of others. We must strive to be in fighting condition!

If you have been on the sidelines, it's not too late! It takes a commitment and self discipline to get into fighting condition and we need each other for support and encouragement but it CAN be done without a doubt! Come with me on this journey of a life lived with passion and in the pursuit of excellence!

I Tim. 6:12 "Fight the good fight of faith."

Still Climbing With You!